Ética na Web
Ética na Web
“Um Pouco de Ética para Desportistas: Autênticos e de Bancada” é um título da coleção Valorizar Socialmente o Desporto: um Desígnio Nacional, editada pelo Comité Olímpico de Portugal. Na obra, o autor Francisco Sobral esclarece o que se entende por “espírito desportivo” e como se pode demonstrá-lo, o que é um ambiente ético e na eterna questão “o Desporto é mesmo uma escola de virtudes?”
Aceder à obra aqui.
O “Desporto sem Bullying” é um projeto de investigação-ação que sensibiliza as comunidades educativa e desportiva sobre bullying na formação desportiva, promovendo a intervenção direta através de 3 estratégias fundamentais – criação de ferramentas, formação de treinadores e intervenção especializada nos clubes.
Programa de formação que tem como objetivo levar para as escolas portuguesas toda a emoção do Movimento Olímpico. Através dele, poderás consultar uma série de conteúdos e atividades sobre o Movimento Olímpico e encontrar soluções criativas para incentivar os alunos a conhecer o Olimpismo.
O Projeto SCORE (Desporto, Conexões e Respeito; Sport COnnect and REspect) foi desenvolvido em Outubro de 2010. O enquadramento dos 4C's (confiança, conexões, competência e carácter) é utilizado como um meio para promover o desenvolvimento positivo através do desporto. O Projeto SCORE tem vindo a tornar-se numa ferramenta importante para treinadores, atletas e pais. O objetivo é apoiar o crescimento dos jovens através do desporto e da vida, com recurso a programas de intervenção que utilizem uma abordagem deliberada, bem como ajudar os pais a reforçar estas aprendizagens em outros domínios da vida.
Start to talk é sobre adultos que, ao quebrarem o silêncio, dão voz às crianças. A campanha é um apelo do Conselho da Europa para que as autoridades públicas e o movimento desportivo, em particular, ponham fim ao abuso sexual infantil. Ao aderir a este convite, os governos, clubes desportivos, associações e federações, atletas e treinadores, comprometem-se a tomar medidas concretas para prevenir e responder ao abuso.
Trata-se de uma campanha nacional de prevenção e combate à violência no desporto, que arrancou no dia 17 de abril de 2019 e que visa sensibilizar a população para o fenómeno da violência, promovendo os valores éticos do desporto, como a cooperação, o respeito, a solidariedade, o fair play e a tolerância.
International Fair Play Committee
Since its foundation by UNESCO and a number of international sports governing bodies in Paris in 1963 the goal of the International Committee for Fair Play is the worldwide defence and promotion of fair play. The activity of CIFP is aimed at national and international organisations in the field of sports and education, and professional athletes with a special emphasis on children, adolescents and those in charge of training them, namely coaches and trainers.
A TIAC - TRANSPARÊNCIA E INTEGRIDADE, ASSOCIAÇÃO CÍVICA é uma organização anti-corrupção, representante em Portugal da rede global anti-corrupção Transparency Internationa
Comissão de Ética do Comité Olímpico Internacional
The Ethics Commission is the guardian of the ethical principles of the Olympic Movement. These principles are set out in the Code of Ethics.
The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport serves to elevate the conscience of sport in Canada. We work for, and on behalf of athletes, players, coaches, parents, officials and administrators. The CCES operates at the intersection of individual values, the shared values of society and the values of sport. We serve as a strong voice in the dialogue regarding ethics in Canadian sport and through three strategic forces we activate, advocate and protect.
True Sport (Canadá)
Changing the landscape of sport from the ground up. — True Sport is a series of programs and initiatives designed to give people, communities and organizations the means by which to leverage the many benefits of good sport from a platform of shared values and principles.
True Sport is dedicated to the notion that good sport can make a great difference.
Programa de Educação para Valores através do Desporto da UNESCO
Values Education through Sport (VETS) programmes support active learning, complement cognitive skills and give students increasing amounts of responsibility, and enhance their level of concentration and participation. VETS programmes are flexible and have a strong cross-curricular potential: they can reinforce existing curricula and can be streamed across different subjects, including physical education, civic and moral education, nutrition, biology, arts.
Play by the Rules (Austrália)
Play by the Rules was first developed by the South Australian Department for Sport and Recreation in 2001 as an interactive education and information website on discrimination, harassment and child protection in sport. Over the years, as more agencies have seen the need to promote Play by the Rules, they have joined as partners and helped by contributing funds, content and in-kind support.
True Sport (EUA)
The TrueSport mission is simple and bold: to change the culture of youth sport by providing powerful educational tools to equip young athletes with the resources to build life skills and core values for success on and off the field. TrueSport is founded on three cornerstones:
Sportsmanship: Winning the right way – with respect and gratitude for teammates, coaches, parents, and competitors.
Character Building & Life Skills: Using the sport experience to develop positive whole-life attitudes and behaviors: perseverance, leadership, goal-setting, decision-making and more.
Clean & Healthy Performance: Wellness-centric lifestyles that fuel athletic and personal success – in sport and in everyday life.
Olimpic Values Education Programme (COI)
The Olympic Values Education Programme (OVEP) is a series of free and accessible teaching resources that have been created by the IOC. Using the context of Olympic sports and the core principles of Olympism, participants are encouraged to experience values-based learning and to assume the responsibilities of good citizenship. It communicates the benefit of sport and physical activity through an understanding of Olympism and its impact on individual health, enjoyment, and social interaction.
Positive Coaching Alliance (EUA)
As a catalyst for a positive youth sports culture, Positive Coaching Alliance provides research-based training and resources for coaches, parents, athletes, and leaders to ensure a positive youth development experience for ALL kids, in all communities across the U.S., through sports. PCA ensures sports are ‘done right’ with programming that is research-based and designed to have impact at three levels in a youth sports organization or school:
YOUTH experience improved life skills and character development.
COACHES become more positive and increase their focus on using sports to teach life lessons.
YOUTH SPORTS ORGANIZATIONS AND SCHOOLS see their cultures become more positive and everyone involved has more fun.
Sport et Citoyenneté (França)
Sport and Citizenship is a Think tank created in Brussels in September 2007, a few weeks after the adoption of the European Commission’s White Paper on sport. Today, it is the only Think tank in Europe, whose social objective is the analysis of sporting politics and the study of sport’s societal impact. Independent and apolitical, Sport and Citizenship has ten years of expertise and benefits from a recognition by public authorities and stakeholders of European sport. It is therefore regularly consulted by international and European institutions, the Member States, the sports movement and civil society which recognise it as a privileged interlocutor in this field.
Sport and Development (Suiça)
Is a website dedicated entirely to sport and development. It is an online resource and communication tool.
Peace and Sport (Mónaco)
Peace and Sport brings together and develops partnerships between the Peace (NGOs, UN Agencies, Academics), the Sport (Olympic Family, International Federations, National Olympic Committees, Athletes) and the Political worlds with the aim of implementing and ensuring the sustainability of field programs, maximizing the use of sport for development and peace and leading social transformation in every area of the world affected by poverty or social instability. Peace and Sport acts in close collaboration with international reference organisations and in partnership with UNESCO and UNHCR.
Beyond Sport (Reino Unido)
Beyond Sport is a global organisation that promotes, supports and celebrates the use of sport to address social issues in communities around the world. We do this through convening, supporting and advising the worlds of sport, business, government, and development on how sport can be used as a tool to achieve both social and business objectives.
Laureus Sport for Good (Reino Unido)
Founded under the Patronage of Nelson Mandela, Laureus Sport for Good uses sport as a powerful and cost-effective tool to help children and young people overcome violence, discrimination and disadvantage in their lives.
Hexis (Espanha)
A Hexis é uma editora especializada em desporto, prestando espacial atenção às questões relacionadas com o direito, filosofia, olimpismo, atividade física, economia e gestão, bem como com aquelas relacionadas com a governação e integridade.
Conta com um grupo de especialistas que dirigem as coleções e selecionam as obras de acordo com um rigoroso filtro de qualidade.
Atualizado em: 11/07/2023

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